Colorful Wall Hanging - Jerusalem Design

Colorful Wall Hanging - Jerusalem Design

Colorful Wall Hanging - Jerusalem Design

11 x 16 cm / 4.3" x 6.2"

  • Lively Jerusalem design wall hanging
  • Made in Israel by Yealat Chen

Product Description

This colorful wall hanging will bring the beauty of Jerusalem right into your home. Well-known tourist sites are reproduced in colorful images. At the base, adorable charms and beads hang down, each with their symbolic references. The round beads hint to a life that is smooth without edges; the key opens to a life of fortune and prosperity; the juicy pomegranate represents abundance and fruitfulness and the fish is the zodiac sign for the month of Adar – month of joyous happenings.


Item #: YC-H-142
Size: 11 x 16 cm / 4.3" x 6.2"
Artist: Yealat Chen

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