Bracelet Charm with Shema Yisrael Prayer words - Sterling Silver

Bracelet Charm with Shema Yisrael Prayer words - Sterling Silver

Bracelet Charm with Shema Yisrael Prayer words - Sterling Silver

  • A bracelet charm for a touch of spirituality
  • Crafted elegantly from .925 sterling silver
  • With engraved words of Shema Yisrael prayer

Product Description

Add this charm to your charm bracelet and feel uplifted and energized. Elegantly crafted from .925 sterling silver, the attractively shaped disc carries in Hebrew the words of Judaism's holiest prayer and declaration of faith – Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad.


Item #: MA-123-460HB-872B-SL
.925 Sterling Silver
Size: 0.25" x 0.7"

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