Embroidered Challah Cover, Colorful Flower Design - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover, Colorful Flower Design - Yair Emanuel

Embroidered Challah Cover, Colorful Flower Design - Yair Emanuel

  • Embroidered Challah Cover from Yair Emanuel
  • Features flittering colorful flowers of all shapes
  • Shabbat veYom Tov in Hebrew in the center
  • Divided into three blue frames

Product Description

A Challah Cover with a youthful joyous spirit. Three blue-framed panels enclose colorful flowers in various snowflake shapes with green and gold twirling stems that seem to float across the fabric. In the center, embroidered in blue thread, is written in Hebrew "Shabbat veYom Tov."

Usually ships in 3-4 business days.


Item #: YE-CME-12A
Artist: Yair Emanuel
20" X 16"/50 cm X 40 cm

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