Dvora Black

Showing 1-31 out of 31 items
Showing 1-31 out of 31 items

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This incredibly gifted artist hails from South Africa where she studied and taught art and music. After her marriage, she made Aliya and settled in a small picturesque moshav in the Judean Hills. There, surrounded by the magnificent sweeping landscape of Israel, she found expression for her prodigious artistic talents. Fulfilling a life-dream, she set up her own studio and began to produce handmade illuminated and illustrated Judaica wall hangings that combined her passion for ancient Hebrew texts and words of blessing with the inspiration she derived from the flowers and greenery viewed from her studio window.


We present to you here a collection of Dvora Black’s wall hangings. They express the rich feelings of identity and empowerment that come from being part of a Jewish home and family. Her pictures celebrate those special moments in life. To highlight the impact of the text, many pictures have a large gold frame, enabling the light to filter through the colors giving them a beautiful glow.

You will find a choice of home blessings in Hebrew or English. For your daughter or a bat mitzvah gift, there is a choice of daughter’s blessing – a reminder of the special moment of closeness when a mother blesses her daughter after kindling the Shabbat lights. There are equally beautiful wall hangings that frame the sons’ blessings. You will find words of the eternal Shema Yisrael prayer and the traditional Priestly Blessing. There are delightfully appealing Hamsas and evocative Trees of Life. Whichever picture you choose, it will carry the Dvora Black hallmark signature – sensitivity, refinement, and attention to detail.


Dvora Black’s wall hanging are exquisite works of art that will transform your home and imbue it with Jewish meaning. When you want to present one of them as a gift to someone dear, present one to yourself too!

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1 Eimrei Baruch Street, Bnei Brak 5160918, Israel