Jewish Jewelry

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Jewish Jewelry

because in addition to being beautiful, it carries an element of holiness, tradition and sacredness. Religious convictions aside, Jewish men and women often choose to wear a piece of Jewish Jewelry so as to express their pride in their roots, in their nation and tradition. Another popular kind of Jewelry today is Israeli Jewelry. After two-thousand years of exile from their homeland, the Jewish nation has merited to see the miraculous return to their land in the last century. Jewish people all over the world feel a special connection to the land of Israel, the land towards which they pray three times a day and have plead with G-d to return then to for over two-thousand years.

Some popular choices of Jewish Jewelry for both men and women are:

Star of David Jewelry - although a fairly recent association has been made between this symbol and the Jewish people, this sign has rapidly come to represent Jewish pride and unity. Additionally, there is a strong connection between the Star of David and the State of Israel as the Star of David features in the Israeli flag. In fact, it would be safe to say that this symbol fits comfortably into the categories of Jewish Jewelry for both men and women, as well as Israeli Jewelry.

Shema Yisrael Jewelry - The central prayer in Judaism in which one declares his faith in G-d. The words of this timeless prayer are a popular choice for a piece of Jewish Jewelry.

Hamsa Jewelry - The Hamsa has become an accepted motif in Judaism despite its non-Jewish roots. The Hamsa is believed to protect one from the evil eye and those looking for luck and good fortune often choose this symbol.

Kabbalah Jewelry - The mystical world of Kabblah draws many seekers of spirituality. Kabbalah Jewelry will incorporate teachings from the mystical depths of Judaism to result in an intriguing piece of art.

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